Resting in cool shade is preferable to roasting in bright sunshine, so a covered porch to provide that restful shadow is often favored over an open-to-the-sky deck or patio. But, there are seasons when the warmth of the Sun is welcomed inside, like a favorite guest.
This project is all about welcoming the Sun. Originally, the Back Porch (‘before’ image) was intended to be a shaded yet open space for entertaining and relaxing on warm afternoons. But, the owner found her need for shade in summer shifting to a desire for warmth in winter. I was called to help plan the transition.

A step-down of two steps from the house onto the porch floor created a fortuitous setting. The walls would be tall. (‘after’ image) That meant taller windows. Using standard sizes, a combination of operable windows and transoms (those on top) were grouped to fill the walls with glass. This created the desired effect to have lots of light, a broad view of the backyard, and most importantly, warmth from the Sun.

Below is a Before & After slider. Just click and move the arrows to see how the plan changed.
For ALL your house plan needs, call me. I’ll help you design a warm and welcoming space, where you will “Love to Come Home.TM“
Andy Bozeman; 334-834-1714;
Seem more projects in the 2021 Spring Issue of HOUSE PLANS, below.