Tiny Home Thoughts

Several points about building small homes: I hope these points help to focus on the purpose of the project. Cost, risk, and accessibility are major considerations, either of which can derail a small to tiny home project. Let’s make sure of the purpose before jumping the gun.


Coming to the intersection of two highways, the corner of which held a filling station, I noticed a well-dressed man standing outside of a white vehicle. I realized that the well-dressed man was the driver and the white vehicle was a hearse. He was standing beside, and casually leaning against, the vehicle as he waited for the gas pump to …

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WELCOME to HomeBuildingTimeline.com

Below, is a brief introduction to Home Building Timeline. Take a minute to browse it, or click above  to Go Directly to your Visitor’s Home Page : If you don’t know how to build a house, how do you know if anyone else does? This site specializes in DWELLING INDUSTRY INFORMATION for home planning, building, remodeling, flipping, and selling.

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How Much Is This Gonna Cost, Anyway?

How much will this house cost to build? I get this question several times every day. It’s all about using averages for guesswork. I even wrote a book that talks about construction cost. It’s called IF I’D KNOWN THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN I BUILT MY HOUSE, I MIGHT’VE GONE CAMPING INSTEAD. It’s on Amazon, here. The following illustrations …